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Predator University

ICOtec Nightstalker+ - TT Edition

ICOtec Nightstalker+ - TT Edition

Regular price $ 699.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 699.99 USD
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TT Edition - ICOtec® Nightstalker+ Programmable Call with Bluetooth

What makes this caller a "TT Edition"?  This isn't your stock caller....I have put together the most comprehensive sound package available, all categorized and ready to go.  Check it out...

TT Edition Features:

170 Tony Tebbe's Signature Sounds loaded

150 ICOtec Sounds loaded
320 Total sounds loaded, categorized, and ready for you
• Loaded, Categorized, Remote Sync, and Tested by Tony and Cristal Tebbe
• You won't find a better deal on pre-loaded sounds

Call Features:

• Includes Bluetooth connectivity up to 100 yards from unit
• The industry-leading 300 yard no-line-of-sight remote range
• The most amazingly crystal clear sound quality
• Easiest & quickest sound file downloading in the industry
• Download sounds from your smartphone, tablet or computer (no specialized software or computer with an SD card slot required)
• Remote includes NEW category file organization (no more file numbering)
• Includes 320 call sounds (Featuring 170 sounds from Tony Tebbe)
• Play two sounds simultaneously
• Two separate play & pause buttons
• Store up to 2,000 sound files on a removable SD card
• Large, easy-to-read remote display
• Day & night remote screen display options
• Recall up to 20 favorites and one coax sound
• Plays 16, 24 and 32 bit .wav files
• Tremendous volume – 130+ dB
• USB & remote sync cables included
• Tripod mountable
• Long battery life
• Caller requires 10 AA batteries, not included (recommend ICOtec C4 lithium rechargeable battery)
• Remote requires 4 AA batteries, not included (recommend ICOtec TNT rechargeable AA battery kit)
• Animal Audio smartphone app recommended for highest quality industry sound libraries


The Night Stalker+ Programmable Game Call offers professional grade durability, sound quality, volume level, long range remote activation and features that make it a snap to operate during a hectic predator stand. Developed by and for professional predator hunters who demand performance and still want a practically priced product.


TT Edition Sounds Included:

Bobcat Fight
Bobcat Standoff
Coyote Breeding
TT Bonus Breeding Stand
TT Coyote Foreplay
TT Kanti Chirp
TT Lovers Quarrel
TT Stuck On You
Coyote Fights Heavy
TT Ass Kickin
TT Bitch Fight
TT Captian Insano
TT Coy Fight 4
TT Ground n Pound
TT Hella Fight
Coyote Fights Light
TT Browbeater
TT Coy Play Time
TT Coyote Grab Ass
TT Field Spar Coyotes
TT Growlfest
TT Lite Fight
TT Snippy Coyote
TT Squabble Wobble
TT Teen Tantrum
TT Trash Talker
Coyote Full Stands
TT Bonus Breeding Stand (exclusive to NS+ and Outlaw+)
TT Full Stand 1
Coyote Howls Group
TT 4 Pack Friday
TT All Fired Up
TT Coyote Group Howl 4
TT Family Affair
TT Pack Pride
TT Woods Alive
Coyote Howls Pair
TT Adam n Eve
TT Alpha Pair Invitational
TT Blind Date Pair
TT Carefree Pair
TT Coyote Pair Screaming
TT Elite Pair
TT Jack n Jill
TT Johnny n June
TT Pair Declare
TT Pairenade
TT She Rules
TT Shy Pair
TT Throwback Pair
Coyote Howls Single
TT Alpha Male Excited
TT Big Boy
TT Female Long Howls
TT Kanti Howls
TT Kanti Lonely Howls
TT Lone Yodeler
TT Lonely Male
TT Male Invite
TT Old Male
TT She Bitchin
TT Simple Invite
TT Sugar Howls
TT Wakeup Howl
Coyote Howls Teens
TT Teen Chat 1
TT Teen Cheer
TT Teen Excite 1
TT Teen Rally
TT Teen Starter
TT Triple Play
Coyote Pups
TT Alley Pup Brawl
TT Coy Pup Tussle
TT Coyote Pup Screams
TT Den O Pups
TT Den Raid 3
TT Fresh Pup 2
TT Hurting Pup
TT Little Pup 1
TT Pissing Pup
TT Platinum Pup
TT Pup Genocide
TT Pup Pound
TT Pup Scruff
TT Pup Slaughter
TT Pup Slay
TT Scooby Snack
TT Solo Pup
TT Ultimate Coy Pup Dist
TT Virgin Den
TT Coyote Fox Fight
TT Grey Fox Fight
TT Red Fox in Heat
TT Vocal Vixen
TT Lion Caterwaul
TT Lion Chat
TT Lion Whistle
TT Air Raid Siren 1
TT Air Raid Siren 2
TT Police Siren
TT Feral Piglet 1
TT Piglet Catch
Prey - Birds
TT Angry Bird
TT Baby Killdeer 1
TT Baby Quail 2
TT Bird Box
TT Broken Wing
TT Chicky Chicky
TT Guinea Chick 2
TT Pecker Wood
TT Raven 1
TT Raven-Magpies
TT Rooster Distress
TT Single Raven
TT Spatzy Spaz
TT Squealing Bird
TT Turkey Talk
TT Woody Wood
TT Wren Wrath
Prey - Coax
TT Finisher
TT Make M Stop
Prey - Fawns
TT Antelope Fawn 2
TT Bambi
TT Fawntastic
Prey - Other
TT Baby Grey
TT Farm Cat Dinner
TT Giddy Kitty
TT Guinee Pig
TT Kiss O Death
TT Kitten Krunch
TT Lamb Chops
TT Lil Skunk
TT Screaming Kitten
TT Screaming Monkey
TT Squeaking Freak
Prey - Rabbits
TT 1 Minute Jack
TT Baby Cottontail
TT Baby JJ
TT Barbwire Bunny
TT Breakfast Bunny
TT Bunny FuFu
TT Cactus Cottontail
TT Captain Jack
TT Cottontail Chirp
TT Cottontail Kryptonite
TT Cottontail Overdrive
TT Cowtip Cottontail
TT Coy Cottontail
TT Desert Cottontail
TT Diehard Jack
TT Freeloader Jack
TT Fur Scream
TT Gentle Jack
TT Jack Breath
TT Jack Knife
TT Jackette
TT Juvy Jack
TT Nest of Cotton
TT Newborn Cottontail
TT ReeRee Baby
TT Soft Cotton
TT Squeal Baby Jack
TT Tiny Cotton 1
TT Wee Wee Wabbit
TT Young Cottontail
Prey - Rodents
TT Magic Morsel
TT Mouse Distress
TT Rat Screams
TT Squeal Magnet
TT Vole Squeals
TT Baby Coons 1
TT Coyote Coon Catch
TT Screaming Bandit
TT Baying Hounds 1
TT Baying Hounds 2
TT Single Wolf 3
TT Wolf Pack 2


ICOtec Sounds Included:

ICO African Feeding Frenzy
ICO Hyena 1
ICO Hyena 2
ICO Jackal Howling
ICO Jackals Howling
ICO Bear Cub
ICO Black Bear Cub
ICO Baby BlackBird
ICO Baby Sparrow
ICO Baby Woodpecker
ICO Bird Screams
ICO Blue Jay Cries
ICO Blue Jay Distress
ICO Cardinal Cries
ICO Cardinal Distress
ICO Chatty Wren
ICO Flicker Distress
ICO Hawk
ICO Magpie Distress
ICO Pheasant Distress
ICO Robin Distress 1
ICO Small Bird Distress
ICO Song Thrush
ICO Turkey Distress
ICO Woodpecker
ICO Air Raid Siren
ICO Apollo Howls
ICO Apollo Rappin
ICO Bonny & Clyde
ICO Cage Match
ICO Challenge Howl 1
ICO Coyote Barks
ICO Coyote Fight
ICO Coyote Yipping
ICO Duet Howls
ICO Elite Group
ICO Excited Luna
ICO Food Squabbles
ICO Foreplay
ICO Fussy Coyote
ICO Git-n-Lippy
ICO Hot to Trot
ICO Locator Siren
ICO Lonely Luna Howls
ICO Luna Invite
ICO Maniac
ICO Mega Pup
ICO NovaCaine
ICO Pack Chatter
ICO Pup Chatter
ICO Pup Frenzy 1
ICO Pup Pack Howl
ICO Pup Squalls
ICO Pup Talk
ICO Pup Whining
ICO Pups Crying
ICO Raya Fight
ICO Scrappy Pup
ICO Valley Fight
ICO Yodeler
ICO Crow Chatter
ICO Crow Death Cry
ICO Crow Gang
ICO Crow Owl
ICO Crow Rally
ICO Crow Screams
ICO Crow Talk
ICO Sunrise Crow
ICO Bull Elk
ICO Cow Elk
ICO Elk Calf
ICO Baby Goat
ICO Baby Sheep
ICO Orphan Lamb
ICO Baby Deer
ICO Bambi Snack
ICO Doe Calling Fawn
ICO Fawn Chatter
ICO Fawn Frenzy
ICO Fawn Screams
ICO Fennec Fox Fight
ICO Fox Birthing
ICO Fox Whistle 1
ICO Fox Whistle 2
ICO Gray Fox Screams
ICO Red Fox Fiasco
ICO Red Fox Fight
ICO Red Fox Pup
ICO Red Fox Screams
ICO Red Fox Whistle
ICO Angry Pig
ICO Screaming Hogs
ICO Wild Hog Distress
ICO Wild Hog
ICO Wild Hogs
ICO Javelina
ICO Bull Moose Grunt 1
ICO Cow Moose Call
ICO Baby Cottontail
ICO Bugs Bunny
ICO Cottontail Whailing
ICO Frightened Bunny
ICO Hare 1
ICO Hare 2
ICO Jack Rabbit Squalls
ICO MO Cottontail
ICO New Jack
ICO Rabbit Distress
ICO SB Rabbit
ICO Thumper
ICO Tiny Bunny
ICO Whaling Jack Rabbit
ICO Baby Raccoon 1
ICO Baby Raccoon 2
ICO Raccoon Babies
ICO Raccoon Fight 1
ICO Raccoon Fight 3
ICO Raccoons Feeding
ICO Adult Beaver
ICO Baby Beaver
ICO Badger
ICO Fisher
ICO Gray Squirrel Barks
ICO Muskrat Baby
ICO Porcupine Distress
ICO Prairie Dog
ICO Rat Distress 1
ICO Shrew
ICO Skunk Baby
ICO Wam Mouse
ICO Box Call Yelps
ICO Diaphragm Call Yelps
ICO Glass Call Yelps
ICO Slate Call Purrs-Cluck
ICO Slate Call Yelps Cuts
ICO Esterous Whitetail Doe
ICO Estrous Bleets Grunts
ICO Excited Buck Grunts
ICO Long Buck Grunts
ICO Rattling
ICO Whitetail Buck Grunts
ICO Whitetail Buck Snort Wheeze
ICO Whitetail Fawn 1
ICO Whitetail Rattling
ICO Lone Wolf
ICO Wolf Howls 1
ICO Wolf Howls 2
ICO Wolf Howls 3
ICO Wolf Howls 4
ICO Wolf Rally



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