TT Night Zombie

$ 12.50

Tony Tebbe's Coyote Bedtime Stories


Length: 12:00


From Tony Tebbe's Coyote Bedtime Stories Collection, this tells a story of an owl that has a good night of hunting, catching a rodent, a cottontail, and a jackrabbit.  He may be good at catching, but not so much the ethical killing, as he begins to dine on each, while they scream for their lives.  Surely, a coyote, fox, or bobcat will be tantalized by this natural occurrence.

Tony Tebbe's Coyote Bedtime Stories are a whole new approach to predator calling. Each story in this series, are stand-length recordings that tell a story.  Masterly mixed by Tony, they mimic his calling stand sequences that produce coyotes. Perfect for the predator caller that wants to spend more time hunting and less time pushing buttons. Sit back, scan for coyotes....and let Tony do the calling for you.




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